“If we each give what we can...we can do this!
Even if we can only give a small amount,
together it adds up and makes things happen for our community. ”
—Myron, Donor
Every charitable gift, regardless of size, makes a difference.
Donations Impact Healthcare of Community
Your Gifts Benefit These Projects
Facility Expansion Projects such asProject Sunbeam, a sunroom for our Skilled and Long Term Care Center
Project Safe Haven— Building An Enclosed Ambulance Bay | Ambulance Bay Dedication: Project Completed! See photos here.
- Student Healthcare Scholarships
- Services & Programs
- Medical Equipment & Furnishings
- Patient Assistance Programs
- Critical Care | Surgery Center
- Emergency Services
- Nursing and Healthcare Education
- Rehabilitation
See our electronic donor board here. Click on the brochure link above to see the donor wall!
Giving Levels
Visionary $100,000+
Founders $50,000 -99,999
Benefactors $25,000-49,999
Supporters $10,000 - 24,999
Partners $5,000 - 9,999
Builders $2,500-4,999
Contributors $1,000-2,499
Donations of $1,000 and above are recognized on the donor board in the lobby of Saunders Medical Center.