Be sure to also see Q&A on value labs, including specific days of the month when they are offered.
Complete Blood Count (CBC) | $20
A broad screening test to check for such disorders as anemia, infection, and many other diseases.
Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) | $30
Panel that checks glucose, sodium, potassium (electrolytes), liver function (AST, ALT, ALK Phos-phatase) and kidney function (BUN and Creatinine).
Glucose Fasting* | $20
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) Liver Test | $15
Lipid Panel Fasting* | $25
Panel that includes cholesterol, triglycerides, “good” cholesterol (HDL) and “bad” cholesterol (LDL).
Hemoglobin A1C Diabetes Test | $25
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) | $25
Test to measure thyroid function.
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) | $50
Test primarily used to screen for cancer.
General Health Panel | $95
(CBC, Lipid, CMP, TSH, ALT)
Microalbumin | $45
Urine test used to screen for possible kidney disorder or for early kidney damage associated with hypertension or diabetes.
Fasting Requirements for VALUE LAB
- Nothing to eat or drink except water for 12-14 hours prior to the test.
- Medications may be taken unless they are required to be taken with food.
- No alcohol for 24 hours prior to testing.