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Stories of Care

Carries Story

My neighbor rushed in with my daughter...

She had a rusty nail that had punctured her foot! Yes, I panicked. I didn't know what to do. It was late on a Friday evening. Was it worth taking her to the Emergency Room at Saunders Medical Center right now? Did she have her tetanus shot up to date? It was pretty bad but I didn't know if I needed to take her to urgent care, the ER or wait. Then, I called the SMC Care Line at 402 443-1448

They answered my questions, told me what to do and even texted me directions! Yes, texted them to me! They checked her tetanus shot and she was current. Plus, they made her an appointment for the next morning at Saunders Medical Center's Family Care Clinic. 

I calmed down immediately. It was a great experience. I knew I had my daughter taken care of because the nurses knew just what to do! 

—Carrie Stephens
Fall 2018


SMC Care Line for Wahoo (402) 443-1448