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Promoting Self Exams and Mammography for Early Cancer Detection


Pink Out

Join us at area High Schools for Cancer Awareness Pink Out Events

Let’s work together to SAVE LIVES

Wear pink throughout the month of October, to promote awareness of Breast Cancer and the need for annual mammograms. Ask your loved ones —moms, grandmas, aunts and sisters—if they have their mammogram scheduled today. 

We are doing our best to change the tough statistics of Saunders County:

Compared to the national average,

• the screening rate in Saunders County is 12% lower,
late stage breast cancer diagnosis is 15% higher, and
• the mortality rate is 12% higher.

Saunders Medical Center has the best technology available for our community. Learn about recommendations of how often to have a mammogram, our technology, the process, and get any questions you have answered. Get your mammogram and receive a free gift if scheduled before December.